Statement: Small Business Taverns, Licensed Restaurants On Outdoor Seating Opportunities In Yellow Phase
For Immediate Release: May 27, 2020
Contact: Pennsylvania Licensed Beverage and Tavern Association, (717) 232-8671
The following is a statement from Chuck Moran, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Licensed Beverage and Tavern Association, concerning today’s announcement from the Governor’s Office to permit outdoor seating for counties in the Yellow Phase starting June 5. In addition, the Governor’s Office released more guidance for indoor service for establishments as their counties go Green.
Earlier this month, small business taverns and licensed restaurants urged Governor Wolf to permit responsible outdoor seating opportunities for patrons dining in counties designated in the Yellow Phase of state’s recovery plan.
Today, we are pleased that our Member establishments will have that opportunity as outdoor seating can commence in counties designated Yellow on June 5. Establishments in counties entering the Green phase can begin indoor as well as provide outdoor seating.
It has been a struggle for your neighborhood taverns and licensed restaurants. Even though they have been permitted to offer take-out meals and beverages, many were barely keeping their heads above water. Some opted not to open at all. Simply put, running a restaurant on take-out alone was not enough to sustain the business.
The guidelines will be tough for the industry. They will challenge each establishment. But, each establishment will do its best to keep patrons as safe as possible.
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About the Pennsylvania Licensed Beverage and Tavern Association
The Pennsylvania Licensed Beverage and Tavern Association is a statewide association based in Harrisburg, representing small business taverns and licensed restaurants in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Association formed in 1941, reorganized in 2019, and today advocates for best practices and rights within the industry as well as best experiences for patrons.