New Jersey clamps down on microbrew events

By United States government. ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Six years ago, in an attempt to help the young industry, New Jersey passed a law that allowed microbreweries to serve their products in-house and sell more beer to go. Since then, activities held at microbrews have grown significantly.
After a “special ruling” by the director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, New Jersey’s microbreweries are now limited to holding 25 on-site special events annually. This would include events like trivia nights and live entertainment.
They will also be unable to have take-out menus from area restaurants as well as host more than 52 private parties a year. In addition, they’ll be prohibited from showing sports on TV unless it is one of their 25 special events.
The original law was meant to increase craft beer sales at other establishments such as bars and restaurants. Instead, the law was misinterpreted, resulting in new venues for consumption with the same rights as bars and restaurants.
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