Can a customer return an unopened bottle to your bar?
So, you sell six-packs to go? Have you ever had a customer try to return what they purchased? Can they?
Well, recently Tops Market, holder of an “R” license in Warren, Pa., asked the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board for their thoughts on the matter. Here’s what the PLCB said in an advisory opinion.
According to the PLCB, while the holder of an R license is permitted to sell malt or brewed beverages in any amount not in excess of 192 fluid ounces in a single sale to be carried off premises, “there is nothing in the liquor code that allows the return or exchange of malt or brewed beverages purchased from a retail licensee for off-premises consumption.”
The PLCB recommended that the licensee contact the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax & Trade Bureau to determine under whether and under what circumstances malt or brewed beverage returns are permissible under federal law.
Furthermore, the PLCB points out that it is unlawful for any licensee to offer, pay, make or allow, or for any licensee to solicit or receive any allowance or rebate, refunds, or concessions in the form of money or otherwise, to induce directly the purchase of liquor or malt or brewed beverages.
However, historically the PLCB has allowed for an exception for a refund policy associated with a product satisfaction guarantee program.
So, put in more simpler terms, as far as the PLCB is concerned, beer returns may only be accepted if the customer is not satisfied with the product.